Top 10 countries
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Most improved countries
Most deteriorated countries
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This sub-indicator assesses a country's performance in postal development. Postal development assesses the performance of postal operators along the lines of i) reliability, ii) reach, iii) relevance and iv) resilience. Reliability reflects the performance in terms of speed and predictability of delivery across all key segments of physical postal services (letter post, parcel post and express); reach synthesises global connectivity by evaluating the breadth and depth of the postal operators' international network, measured by the number of partner networks and the volumes of international exchanges; relevance measures the intensity of demand for the full portfolio of postal services relative to the best performers in each category of postal activity, taking into account elements such as the number of international transactions and the number of post offices; resilience indicates the level of diversification of revenue streams as well as the capacity to innovate and deliver inclusive postal services.
View full country tableAs citizens are the recipients of public leadership and governance, the assessment of governance performance of the IIAG is accompanied by the Citizens’ Voices dataset in an effort to contextualise the official and expert assessment data in the IIAG with the reality on the ground as perceived by citizens.
MIF has been working with and supporting Afrobarometer, the leading pan-African research institution conducting public opinion surveys on the continent, and the 2022 IIAG framework gives these more prominence. Formerly scattered at various levels in the IIAG, citizens’ assessments of various governance components are now highlighted in a Citizens’ Voices section, providing a comprehensive 'reality check' to complement the IIAG results.
This section mirrors the IIAG categories and provides public perception data on the closest proxies to the IIAG measures. However, whilst these measures are available to compare across the IIAG, it is important to note that their scores do not form part of the calculation for Overall Governance.
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Please note that this will not select any measures from the Citizens’ Voices section. To add those, simply scroll down to Public Perception of Overall Governance and use the quick select options there.